How Are Dimensions of Technical Drawings Classified?

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dimensions of technical drawings

Today our post concerns an important technical topic. In fact, we will talk about the dimensions of technical drawings. First, we will analyze briefly the designation criteria and disposition of dimensions. But, specifically, we will focus on their classification.

What are the criteria for designation of dimensions of technical drawings?

These dimensions are the numeric values for a measurements. These may be in millimeters (linear dimension) or sexagesimal degrees (angle dimensions). Regardless of the scale, the dimensions suggest real that they must comply with the minimum ones. The last but not the least is the fact that these dimensions should not be duplicated.


How to arrange the dimensions?

ISO 129 standard (that replaced UNI 3973) lays down general rules for the disposal of dimensions in technical drawings. The Standard A specifically states that the dimensions should be readable both horizontally and vertically. Specifically, which shall be read from left to right, from the base, with a rotation of 90° clockwise. This Standard A requires that the dimensions are centered with values above measurement lines and also clarifies the orientation of angle and oblique values.


How are dimensions of technical drawing classified?

It can be done from different points of view that we will specify below.



The classification of dimensions based on geometry are dimensions of

  • sizes
  • position
  • coupling

In addition, this type of classification allows to obtain dimension systems:

  • series
  • parallel
  • combined
  • with overlapping dimensions
  • in coordinates

This type of classification, for example, takes into account the function of the piece or its method of manufacture.

So you can get the dimensioning:

  • functional
  • technological
  • testing

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