Stainless Steel. The Shot Peening Process.

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The finishing steel mills are the basis of the conditions of supply for all stainless steel flat products. The finishing are essential in reference to the appearance of the surface as well as on the material behavior towards the environment. In that respect, you also have to choose them carefully. Today, we talk about the Shot Peening process.

The shot peening process. What materials to use?

Shot peening produces:

  • Uniform surfaces
  • Non-directional surfaces
  • Low reflectivity surfaces

These surfaces offer a contrast likeable contrast with the polish.

What materials to use for making shot peening process? Here are some:

  • Tiles of stainless steel
  • Grains of ceramic
  • Aluminum oxides
  • Empty walnut shell and glasses

These materials allow you to extend the range of surface finishes available. The appearance of a surface may vary by abrasive material used. You can find an example in the figure below. In the top box you can show the result with the use of glass beads. Indeed, in the top box of glass shards.











The things never to do.

You can’t use iron or carbon steel shots to make the shot-peening . In fact, the latter may seriously contaminate the stainless steel surface. In addition, you must take care to using sand. The latter shall not contain ferrous contaminated.













What happens to stainless steel in shot peening process?

During shot peening process, the surface of austenitic stainless steel undergoes a hardening process. In addition, shot peening can provoke or diminish the tensions present in the metal sheet (or artefact). Sometimes it is necessary to carry out the process of shot peening on both sides to equal tensions.


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